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Krista Hunt RD

Registered Dietitian

I believe good food supports healthy development and gene expression from conception through pregnancy, early life and into toddlerhood - setting the stage for future health outcomes. Growing healthy bodies supports healthy minds and vice versa. Therefore the relationship of mental and physical health is so important to me and why I believe this perinatal wellness collective can truly make a difference.

My approach to nutrition is to make it practical. Having seen the aftermath of fad diets throughout the course of my career, I advocate for small but sustainable lifestyle changes that, over time, build upon each other to create good lifelong nutrition habits and a healthy relationship with food. Relating that approach to fertility, pregnancy, post-partum and early childhood nutrition means giving clients tools to actually do healthy things in the context of their life - while bodies are changing and hands are full. Rather than just list all the nutrients you need, I communicate with real food and real life examples so you can start healthy changes today and feel good about what you already may be doing!

An area of interest for me is exploring the brain-gut connection - working with clients to explore and manage their emotional relationship with food.

B.Sc. Food, Nutrition, & Health, with Honours, University of British Columbia, 2011

Fraser Health Dietetic Internship 2011

Current: Private Practice Dietitian - Krista Hunt Consulting

Member of Dietitians of Canada

Fraser Health Maternity Clinic & Diabetes in Pregnancy Dietitian 2016-2022

Fraser Health Diabetes and Heart Health Dietitian 2013-2016

Fraser Health NICU and Pediatrics Dietitian 2011-2013

Krista Hunt RD
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