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Sarah Poole CAT(C), RMT

Athletic Therapist /
Registered Massage Therapist

It is absolutely amazing what our bodies can do! My role is to help people’s bodies adapt to the rapid changes that happen with pregnancy, delivery and postpartum. Changes in ligament stability, pelvic opening, abdominal load and overall posture can be challenging on our bodies as we grow and raise babies. There are many things we can do to help this process to not only prevent injuries and complications but to thrive as we adapt to these big life changes.

I love helping people learn how to support their bodies while they go through this life changing time. Through pelvic floor stability, hip mobility and supportive movement we can help prevent common pregnancy and postpartum pains and conditions. WIth a background in exercise rehabilitation, manual therapy and training in pregnancy specific conditions it is so rewarding to empower people to learn and set up their bodies for success as they go through one of the most physically challenging things they may ever do.

Having completed a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology with certificates in Health and Fitness and Applied Nutrition I went on to do a post degree program in Athletic Therapy. Having been a Certified Athletic Therapist since 2008 I have gained a ton of experience in preventing, treating and overcoming injuries throughout the body.

Being an RMT for almost a decade has allowed me to perform manual treatment throughout pregnancy and beyond. I have also taught infant massage workshops. As a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach I have undergone training in pelvic floor and core activation, I have also completed course work in treating Diastasis Recti(abdominal separation from pregnancy) along with many other techniques in assessment and treatment of joint, bone, muscle and nerve dysfunctions.

Through my experience with working with pre and postpartum people along with having had two babies myself, I look forward to helping welcome people into the world of parenthood. Through allowing our bodies to be as healthy as possible we can remain active and strong as we do the important work of bringing up our little humans.

Sarah Poole CAT(C), RMT
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